Friday, October 7, 2011


I just finished Mockingjay for the third time, and I've finally figured out what about it frightens me. Needless to say, spoilers ahead.

It happens at the end of the book, not about those who die, who Katniss shoots, or her ending up with Peeta, but something much more real and ten times as frightening. Gale left her. She did not choose Peeta. She did not choose Gale. But he left. He left her in depression and fear. He left her alone and broken. He left her when she needed him most. She absolutely needed both him and Peeta to recover. But he was gone.

The idea that those you love could suddenly stop loving you and leave you with nothing is absolutely terrifying. And that's why the book is so effective, isn't it? I don't know if it's because I struggled with depression in the past, but it really hurts to read the end of this book.

I'm ten times as attached to Harry Potter, and have cried at least once every single time I have read the last book or seen the eighth film. Deathly Hallows has a horribly sad ending, and means so much more to me because it marks an "end of an era" of sorts. Mockingjay has its horribly sad bits, yes, but it's worse. Mockingjay leaves you without feeling at all. Exactly as Katniss surely did, when she returned from the Capitol.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I just thought you deserved to know:

I'm dropping out of BEDA for this month. August just isn't going to work for me this year, folks. Too much drama, planning, and not being home has led to me already missing more than one post. I do think I'll be blogging more often, though. It's fun to have a goal. Let's think now, shall we? What say you about a blog a week, until the rest of the year? I'll think about it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Not at home.

No way to blog yesterday, sorry. Gonna have to cut today's post short, due to my lack of patience. Got to go, bye.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I could blog today.

I could blog today. Yeah, sure, I could tell you about how I emptied my grandparents' patio/garage thing so that they can paint in a few days. Or I could tell you about how my neighbor got shot a few hours ago, when 18 rounds flew through my neighborhood.

But I won't. At least not today, I guess. Right now, I'm listening to Disney covers and Disney shows and watching Youtube videos with my friends. And that, I say, is more important than anything else at the moment.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, August 5, 2011


About twenty minutes ago, I told my friends goodnight and started heading off to bed. About ten seconds later, I realized I still had to blog, so I stayed on a little bit longer to chat with my friends.

Since then, we've decided that literally every Disney song works great if you add "in My Pants" to the end of the title. Instead of my usual blogging, I'll list some here.

"Mother Knows Best in My Pants" from Tangled.
"A Whole New World in My Pants" from Aladdin.
"I'll Make a Man Out of You in My Pants" from Aladdin.
"I See the Light in My Pants" from Tangled.
"Prince Ali in my Pants" from Aladdin, which my friend Francis (YouTube and Twitter!) called "a dazzling place I never knew."
"Can You Feel the Love Tonight in My Pants?" from The Lion King.
"Daughters of Triton in My Pants" from The Little Mermaid.
"I Can Go The Distance in My Pants" from Hercules, provided by the lovely* Ali (Twitter, YouTube, and Potato!).
"Someday my Prince Will Come in My Pants" from Snow White.

And then we moved on to Hannah Montana songs:
"Let's Get Crazy in My Pants" by Hannah Montana.
"Pumpin' Up the Party in My Pants" by Hannah Montana.
"Nobody's Perfect in My Pants" by Hannah Montana.

And then Nikki (YouTube and Twitter!) mentioned Chameleon Circuit:
"An Awful Lot of Running in My Pants" by Chameleon Circuit
and from then on, we didn't really have a theme.
"Willy's Song in My Pants" by Hank Green.
"Bravest Man I Ever Knew in My Pants" by Ministry of Magic.
"In Which Draco and Harry Want to Make Out in My Pants" by The Whomping Willows.

And now, I will go to bed. See you tomorrow!

*Ali gets "lovely" status not because I think she is superior to the other people I linked to in this blog, but because I forgot her in the first draft of it and I feel pretty guilty.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big Brother

Not many of you know this, unless you follow me on my second Twitter account or I forget to tweet from it and accidentally use my main one, but I am a huge fan of the CBS show Big Brother. Now I don't know what that tells you about me, but it certainly lets me know that I am a huge freak who obsesses over watching every single move a group of people make over the course of three months.

Lately, I've decided that I would like to one day be on the show. I'm sure that I'm not good tv, and I wouldn't appeal to enough audience, but c'mon, they have Adam on this show. I can't possibly be worse than Adam, can I?

The only problem I have found with my plan to be on Big Brother is the age limit. I am only 18, meaning that the very soonest I can be on the show would be in July of 2014. But hey, not only does that give me enough time to reach the American legal drinking age, but if I planned everything right, it would put me in line to finish college just a few weeks before! I'd even have time to watch every season of the show that I missed.

How fun of a way to celebrate graduation would that be, huh? Spending three months in a house with other people, for free, with the chance of winning up to $500,000 dollars? Sounds great to me! Sure, I would have no privacy, and depending on what I did in the house, I might not be able to find a job. Those will just be risks that I would have to take.

Anyway, for the rest of this blog, I'd like to talk about what is currently going on in the house, as of show time. Brendon, as we all expected to happen, was voted out of the house. Rachel went into hysterics of course, but that's just Rachel. Hopefully she'll perk up in the next week or so and give Dani some real competition.

The Head of Household competition went by as planned, with Dani's coaching Kalia earlier in the week proving to be useful. I am so unbelievably happy that Kalia is HOH, and I don't think Dani could have been put in a better position. She's done quite the turnaround since nearly ruining her game a little over a week ago.

Hopefully, Kalia will do something smart and get Rachel out of the house. I think the easiest way to do this would be to backdoor her, and to do this, Jeff and Jordan need to be 100% in on it and with Kalia and Dani. If Kalia put up Jeff and Jordan as pawns, and the other competitors in the Power of Veto competition are player's choice, they can choose Dani and Lawon, making absolute certain that they get the veto. The veto would get used to replace Jeff with Rachel, and Rachel goes home in the same way that "her man" did last week. Donunzio.

Of course, this isn't the way things always work in the Big Brother house, so we naturally have a problem. Next week, a past house guest will play against said evictee, and I think this means that we're going to end up with Rachel vs. Dominic, and I'm honestly not sure who would win. I guess it's all right, though, as the person I am rooting for, Danielle, will be able to compete for HOH again, and I'm sure that Big Brother will make sure the odds are ever in her favor. Get it? Big Brother is kind of like the real world Hunger Games, except nobody dies. And they get food. And shelter. And you have to pay to watch them sometimes. And there are people who actually want to watch them. So, yeah, just like the books.

I guess that's it for me tonight, folks, and I'll see you tomorrow!

Miles ran today: HAHAHAHAHA
Books read in August: 1
Weigh Gained/Lost: I have no idea. I'm sick, so I haven't kept track at all.
Twitter followers: 434. I guess I accidentally tweet about Big Brother too much.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A blog.

As I sit here, listening to Katy Perry's "Firework", I feel like a plastic bag. I don't really talk about this, but in seventh and eighth grade, I had to deal with depression so bad that it nearly caused me to be held back in the eighth grade, seeing as my grades dropped faster than, well, I can't really think of anything that's fast... Give me a sec. Okay, my grades dropped faster than the experimental particles in the Large Hadron Collider. Lately, I feel like it's all coming back. I can't help but find a negative side of things, and I put a damper on every conversation. I don't feel like I have an irl friend that I can trust to talk about it, so I just don't. I don't and it hurts like hell. I spend most nights lying in bed, aimlessly wishing that I can just fall asleep and not have to think for a few hours. Needless to say, I've managed to be up for every Pottermore clue thus far. A blessing and a curse.

I'm not saying this for pity, I promise, but I just need to let it all out. I'm scared. I'm broken. I'm worried. I'm terrified. I swear I have no intention to do anything stupid, and I think my tattooless body is enough to prove that I am a wimp and in fear of pain. Besides, I'm already in enough.

I've been sick since the release of the final Harry Potter movie*, and as I show no signs of getting better, I'm going back to see my doctor tomorrow. If you haven't heard, I have "walking pneumonia", which is totally not helpful with everything else going on in my life. All I want in life right now is to get better. I realize that I am privileged and lucky, and today's holiday in Nerdfighteria has actually perked me up quite a bit. So if you're still reading this, I want to say that I love you. I sincerely love you, and am so grateful to have you in my life. It honestly means so much to me that people actually care about me, and you all bring out the very happiest parts of me, even when I feel like I'm in total darkness. So, thank you.

I don't feel up to doing the things I've tracked today, so they will hopefully make their return tomorrow. Until then, folks. And as always, RIA, Esther. <3

*God, it feels weird saying that. Scary.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm sorry. (ALREADY?!)

Regrettably, today's blog will also be a short one. If you remember, last spring (or was it the spring before?) my mom was diagnosed with severe anxiety. About 15 minutes ago, our street had a drive-by shooting, in which, luckily, no one was injured. As she is now a tad, and I use this word very loosely, freaked, I will probably end up spending the next few hours calming her down.

I promise to not be a failure tomorrow, and I can't wait to actually tell you what I've done since my second-to-last blog. Until then, friends!

My bed looks really nice right now.

Well, I guess I've already messed up. To answer questions: yes, I am doing BEDA for the rest of this month; yes, I missed the first day; yes, I am sorry; yes, this is probably going to be a short post. Now that we've done that, I'll let you know why I was so late.

Last night, which a phrase that feels weird to say when you've only just returned home, I went to my first SF Giants game. My little brother played for the Junior Giants this year, which led to us getting free tickets for the game. We even got free food! FREE FOOD! Right. I'm not going to talk about the game any more than I already have, because while the Giants are not my least-favorite team, they are not my favorite (and neither were the team they played against, so I don't want to waste our time.

I am two days away from finishing my summer school courses, and about two weeks from the first day of school. This year is going to be different for me. As my time for declaring a major becomes exponentially smaller, my enthusiasm for a variety of possible career choices grows further than I ever imagined it would. This year, I plan on getting nothing less than an A in any class, and to figure out what I plan on doing. I only mention this now because I am going to need your help. With Tumblr, friends, and Pottermore, how do I plan on staying on track? HOLD ME TO THIS, FRIENDS. My future is in your hands

I haven't decided what I want to do to track progress throughout the month, so until I do, I'll just post everything that I'm considering tracking underneath this post. I'm out for the night/morning, see you later today!

Miles ran: 0, but I climbed a ton of ramps today, and walked a few miles. Not that that really counts, or anything.
Books read in August: 0
Weight gained/lost since August 1: 0
Twitter followers: 437

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

General Post-BEDA Update-y Type Blog

I probably shouldn't be doing this right now, but hey, what's school if you're not going to procrastinate on every assignment? It's been a rough week and a half since BEDA, and I've been having trouble finding time to do anything other than schoolwork. I'm talking really tough schoolwork; the toughest schoolwork I have ever had. I haven't talked to my friends, The Marauders,* in a long time, and I really miss them. I scheduled a three hour break to watch Starship with them yesterday, which was really nice.

I've allotted myself four hours before bedtime to finish an assignment that is due tomorrow, in which I had to write and entire scene (including a 30-line monologue) in iambic pentameter. I chose to add Portia's suicide scene into Julius Caesar, and though I'm having trouble portraying the madness I feel like she went through, I really like it. If it turns out well enough, I might end up posting it sometime in the next few days. We'll see.

I really enjoy writing, which is why this assignment feels easy and I think I can blog instead of finishing it, but I don't know if that is what I want to do with my life. God knows I'm not the best writer, but I really find joy in writing. I do it as often as I can, and it truly makes me happy. I really need to choose a career as soon as possible.

In other news, I... I was about to write about college again. This is basically the same news. In practically the same news, I just registered for summer courses, and I am absolutely terrified about their impending damper on my summer plans. Classes happen to start the same week that I am going to Disneyland, meaning I'll be spending late nights after Disneyland doing schoolwork, instead of, you know, getting well rested for the next day. Similarly, classes end two weeks after LeakyCon, so I really don't know how I'm going to manage that.

Does anybody have a timeturner I could borrow? I know they were all supposedly destroyed in the ministry battle of '95, but there has to be one out there somewhere. If anyone finds one, let me know. Until then, I'll be writing in Elizabethan. Wish me luck!

*The Marauders are a group of friends who got together during the HPAFTW drive, creating a separate Skype group to sing songs in and create all around madness. Since then, we've worked together on Project For Awesome, started a YouTube channel that has actually gotten way more attention than it should have, and made better friendships than anyone can ever ask for.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The last little gray, white, and orange blog post.

I just stubbed my toe, which is probably crazy to you if you've just finished reading yesterday's blog in which I state that I'm writing this directly after writing the last. If anyone can hurt his self without moving, it's me. This really hurts!

I've been keeping a bit of a secret for the last week, and that's the fact that I'm writing a song about Doctor Who. I'm considering writing one per every episode of this series, but I don't know if that's going to happen. I started writing it last Saturday, but quickly stopped after realizing that I had nowhere to go story-wise, and it would be better if I just waited until the second half of the episode airs today. You can expect it in the next few weeks.

I'm planning on buying my plane ticket for LeakyCon on Monday, which is exciting and scary at the same time. I've never traveled that far alone. When I say alone, I mean without family. There's usually someone there. Someone to watch over me.* I'll have my friends, but I won't get to see them until I get there, and it's completely terrifying.

Speaking of LeakyCon, it's all starting to get real, isn't it? The end. Not the end. A new beginning. A time where we won't have anything new in the foreseeable future, and will have to look back to what we love. It's not an end, but it is.

Like Harry Potter, BEDA is sort of coming to an end. But not really, right? It has been great, and I honestly can't wait until August, so I can do it all again. "Why wait?" you may ask. Well, readers, that's because I'm in crunch-mode right now. I have three weeks left of classes, far too many finals, and a bunch of work to do. I don't know if I'll be posting until after the term's over, but I'll try. See you soon!

*Great, great song. Listen to it!

Friday, April 29, 2011

This is a test blog.

Testy testy test blog. Can someone tell me if this posts? I'd really appreciate it.

I'm checki

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The Royal Wedding (PART TWO!)

I'm going to have to take back everything I said yesterday. Who knew it was going to be that exciting? I woke up at 1:55 in the morning, just and hour into Maureen Johnson's live commentary show, and just an hour before the wedding was set to begin. I'm going to throw in a few inside jokes here now, just because I was. ZOOM LEGS. PHILIP SAYS, "ARRRRRR." BELL CAM. FISH-EYE TUNNEL SHOT. SING, OSCAR, SING! Okay, that's enough of that.

I thought the wedding was really, really beautiful and interesting. It's as simple as that. Also, Pippa is HOT. Like, REALLY HOT. Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, of York, had ridiculous hats and they sat directly behind Her Majesty, so they got a lot of screen-time. Prince Harry was hilarious, especially when he wasn't watching the vows/prayer and Maureen was trying to get him to watch. There were too many hymns, but Maureen drowned one of them out for us with "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" and we had a dance party. Just normal wedding songs.

For the rest of the day, I procrastinated, did half of my homework, read up on the Royal Family for hours, and ran half of a mile. But then I basically drank a HUGE bottle of apple juice, so I've probably canceled that out by now. No worries. I'll be gone tomorrow, so tomorrow's post will be pre-written. I'm going to cut this one short so I can right it right now, actually.

See you then!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding.

I've had a nice day, friends. I woke up, got completely ready before I had to be out of the house, and I just got home from dinner (pizza) with my grandparents. I rocked my sight-singing today, and we did next-to-nothing in my other two classes. I have no idea why today has been such and easy day, but it has. Let's hope the rest of the term goes by like this.

My piano keyboard decided to break on me yesterday, after six long years. It's going to suck, but I'm not going to be able to afford replacing it until after LeakyCon. It sucks that I have to give up so much and miss so many great opportunities to go to this con, but I don't think I'm really going to regret it. I can't wait to spend time with my friends. IRL time.

Speaking of LeakyCon, I kind of daydreamed about Lauren Lopez a lot in class today. I don't know if that's creepy or not. It probably is. I'm just really excited to see/meet some Starkids, assuming I can somehow get to the front of the lines and won't be pushed over by fangirls. Lauren's great, and I've been consciously rolling around from place to place for the last week. That's probably creepy as well.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to have ANOTHER short post, folks. My plans for the night include this: I'm going to finish my homework in the next hour (Really guys, in the next hour, no questions asked), then, I'm going to sleep for about five hours so that I can watch the royal wedding.

I should explain. I don't really care about the Royal Family. Not at all. What I do care about, however, is being up to date on pop culture, and I have this strange feeling that this is going to be another huge pop culture event. So that's why I'm watching. So that's why I'll be up for 23 hours tomorrow. So that's why I'm going to end this post now.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jordan is back and stuff!

First off, I want to thank Nikki for filling in for me a few hours ago. I was catching up on all of the online work I missed in the day or so I had without internet. Thank you, Nikki! Can't wait to hang out irl at LeakyCon!

The past day has been really stressful for me, folks. Have you ever had one of those teachers who doesn't let you know how you're doing in their class, or if you're even going to pass? Well, tomorrow is the last day to drop classes and I have no idea if I am going to pass Logic or not. I'm pretty sure I can, but I have no way of finding out. My teacher is kind of a dick and I'm worried about it.

I've had Easy A on in the background for literally the last two days, and it still hasn't gotten old for me. This is one of those movies that I really wish I wrote. This, Date Night, Mean Girls,... So many great movies; all of them not written by me. I'm seriously considering minoring in screenplay writing. Can you double minor? I don't see why not, if you can double major. College is so weird.

Speaking of college, today, in my Shakespeare class, my teacher told us that our assignment was going to be "FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN." I love when teachers understand memes. And before that class, the other students in the hall and I sang an impromptu rendition of "Finale B" from Rent. Good times.

My dog just climbed into my lap, so I think that means he wants to go to bed. A few more paragraphs, Basil, and I'll tuck you in. He makes me tuck him in every night. I move one of his FOUR beds to a specific corner, he lies down, and I cover him with his blanket and put one of his toys next to him. It's the most adorable thing ever.

I've always said that I don't want any kids, but if they're half as adorable as my dog is, I want them. I don't even know where that thought came from, but let's roll with it. I think that I'll have my first kid in the next 10 years, definitely. I want to be well settled into whatever career I finally decide to pursue, have money so I won't have to worry about affording things, and settle down. Whoa, that is weird to say.

Okay, now my dog is just looking at me, practically saying with his eyes that if I don't tuck him in now, I won't have all ten fingers for much longer. I'm a bit scared, to tell you the truth, so with that, I leave you.

I hope I can blog tomorrow! Cross your fingers for me!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nikki in the Houuuuse!

Hello readers of Jordan's blog!

My name is Nikki and I will be filling in today, since Jordan is busy.

I should be studying for finals right now, but writing blogs is SO MUCH MORE FUN. As is Twitter. And Skype. And And watching The Graham Norton interview with David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Josh Groban, and Jon Richardson (which can be found here ). Over. And Over. And Over. And catching up on all the episodes I've missed of Traffic Light... well, you get the picture.

Pretty much anything I could think to do right now is more fun than the three finals I have to study for and the three essays I have to write. SO I DO EVERYTHING ELSE. Like a boss.

Luckily, this is my last week of school, so after all these essays and finals are over with, I am done with all of it for four months. YESSS. And then in July... LEAKYCON! Which I'm sure all of you who are going are very excited for. I know I am excited. And if you haven't registered yet, make sure you do that ASAP, because there are less than 400 spots left! GO! DO IT! NOW!

Anyways, I feel like this dialogue is very one-sided. How are all of you today? What are your names? Likes? Dislikes? Hopes and dreams? Life stories?

Jordan can respond to you all when he returns. (You're welcome, Jordan.)

Well, I've got to get back to studying, but I had a really nice time tonight, talking to all of you. I'm gonna really miss you guys. I'll never forget this night, as long as I live. If you're interested in seeing me again, you can find me at



Monday, April 25, 2011


My life is sucky, folks.

Yesterday, my dad and aunt got into a huge argument (which I don't want to get into), I made some cars hi-five( which I don't want to get into), and to top it all off, my cable and internet provider decided that it wasn't us paying for the last six months and shut everything down in the middle of the night, while I was working on a huge project. I just don't understand.

They seem to think that we owe hundreds of dollars to them, which we don't, and somehow think they made mistakes every month and put somebody else's payment towards our account. So that sucks.

I hate to end this, but I'm not doing this at home, and I'm supposed to be working right now. I guess I can't blog as much as I NEED to right now. Sorry.

If I can't post tomorrow, my friend Nikki may step in for me. I'm sure you'll love her. I mean, one of you ARE her.


No time to say hello. Goodbye!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Doing homework?

Why would you be doing that? THIS IS BLOG EVERY DAY of APRIL, not DO HOMEWORK. Who are you even? When have you ever been on top of your homework? Due Monday? DO MONDAY.

But really, folks. I've been working since I got home, with the obligated Tumblr breaks. Tumblr really is my new favorite website. Follow me there!*

I have six minutes until it's midnight. Let's do this.

Friday night, after my dad's softball game, my brother decided to spend the ight at my aunt and uncle's house, leaving me with nothing to do on Saturday. Having nothing to do on Saturday, I spent the day with my dad, a mailman, on his route. But first, I went on a crazy two-hour bike ride.

Following my dad on bike, I learned a lot of things. First off, PEOPLE WALK SLOW. I felt like I was going in circles and circles and circles just to make sure I didn't pass him while following. It was ridiculous. Second, he gets to talk to a lot of nice people every day, and he really likes what he does. Third, I don't want to be a mailman. Ever. EVER. I just couldn't do it. There seemed to be nothing appealing about the delivering mail part of the job, and that's definitely something not for me.

I rode home, and then ran back to my dad's route, which wasn't far, to walk with him for the rest of his day.. But it hurt a lot. I had been riding a bike for about six hours by then. It was ridiculous.

YADAYADAYADA, he got off, we went to pick up my brother and dyed eggs. Watched Doctor Who**, went for another run, and I'm home now.


*Shameless self-promotion.
**I'll talk about it tomorrow!

Friday, April 22, 2011


I always forget to blog until the very last second. I leave my house for the night in 8 minutes. Let's see if I can do this.

I rocked a test yesterday, so I was super excited about that in class today. I really need to get that grade higher. It's a "C" right now, but there's still time to get it up to an A, apparently.

I didn't really do much today, but I played with my dog a lot. My dog loves sitting on people's heads and being lazy. I don't remember if I ever mentioned that. Anyway, today, I decided that I would start working on a new trick with him. I got some treats, said "REACH FOR THE SKY!" a billion times, and rewarded him when he did it right. Let's hope he catches on quick. Boring story is boring.

I'm going over to my dad's in a few minutes, which sucks because there's literally nothing to do over there and I am going to be pretty bored for the next 24 hours. Wish me luck? No story at all story has no story at all.

Well, I have five minutes to go.

My new Doctor Who shirt came in the mail today, but I can't tell you what it is because it is a SECRET to surprise somebody. So, that's that.

NO TRANSITIONS! I like transitions. Transitions are cool.

Three minutes now, and I think I'd better start wrapping this up. Here's my plan for the weekend: tomorrow, I'll be over at my dad's house to hang out with my little brother for the day, and argue with him, and WATCH FREAKING DOCTOR WHO WHEN IT COMES ON. I'll come home tomorrow night, and probably rush out another not good enough blog, and then go to sleep. On Sunday, IT'S EASTER! That means I can finally drink soda and eat potato chips again! I'm not sure that I want to, though, because I've lost weight and I feel like I haven't missed a thing about them. So we'll see how that goes.

Well, that's it, folks! I'll see you tomorrow!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My day in two pictures.

Here are the two pictures that I took today. Make a story out of them, or something.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

An explanation.

I've had a rough few days, friends. Okay, actually, not really. Blogger just hasn't had its shit together and my scheduled posts have not been posted. So that's why I've been gone, I guess. Okay, I admit it, yesterday I didn't even TRY. Sorry.

I'm working on a huge project right now, so this is probably going to end pretty soon. For my Shakespeare class, we were instructed to write a 30+ line monologue for a character in any play that we've read, and have to provide two examples of Elizabethan rhetoric.. So, for some reason, I translated that into "take on a huge project in which you write an entire scene in a day in which you use countless examples of Elizabethan rhetoric and imagine how Portia's suicide in Julius Caesar would have went down all in iambic pentameter." So, that's what I've been procrastinating on for the last four hours. You know, the usual: Tumblr.

I'm going to try something that might be a bit weird, but we're just going to do it. Alright? Today, I had a bowl of Cheerios for breakfast, the most beautiful taco salad (lettuce, tomatoes, onions, rice, beans, cheese, sour cream, and salsa) for lunch, and a hugeass hamburger and fries for dinner. I am Hayley G Hoover.

Well, I've really got to go finish this assignment. I'll see you all tomorrow!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today we talk about asparagus.

Every year, on the last weekend of April (unless it's Easter weekend), my hometown holds the Stockton Asparagus Festival, also known as The Best of the West Food Fest. But that's not really true. I have had MUCH better food that was no where near the Asparagus Festival. I digress.

This year, the festival was bumped up a week from its normal late-April slot, because apparently people like Jesus more than they like asparagus.* Turns out that this particular weekend, I scheduled to do 4 different things on Saturday, because I guess that's just how organized I am.

First off, my friend asked me to my alma mater's prom, which I really wanted to go to because I was lame and missed my prom. Yeah, I know. I was so excited for it because HELLO, PROM WITH MY FRIENDS, and had my dreams crushed when my mom told me I couldn't go. Apparently, my mom told me I couldn't go because I HAVE TO GET MY FREAKING NOT WISE TEETH YANKED OUT OF MY FREAKING MOUTH ON FREAKING SATURDAY. I don't even know how to deal with this, so I'm not going to talk about it.


Also, Martin Lawrence is in town on Saturday and I was going to go see him with my dad. BUT NO, CAN'T DO THAT. GOTTA GO GET MY FREAKING TEETH YANKED OUT BY THAT FREAKING DENTIST INSTEAD.


Now, have a list of all the DELICIOUS things that I wont get to have this weekend:
-Deep fried asparagus.
-Asparagus burritos.
-Asparagus pasta.
-Asparagus asparagus.

I will, however, get to have asparagus ice cream, because the guy who makes the required 100 POUNDS of it for the event is a family friend and gave us a bunch. So, yum! And before you say "ew," know that it tastes asparagus-y, but is also sweet and actually pretty good. Better than asparagus beer... not that I know what that tastes like. *whistles*

Well, I'm going to go and resume talking to my bffl Nikki, who you should all follow on Twitter and junk. She's @latuacantante17. And awesome. And amazing. And one of my roommates for Leaky Con. And saying stuff in Skype now, so I think she needs my attention.

Ta-ta for now!

More info on the Asparagus Festival:

*I kid, I kid. Please don't be offended.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This is technically a blog post.*

*I am really tired from doing schoolwork and I figured that if Hayley can do it, I can do it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Last night, I had a dream.* It was Thanksgiving at my grandparent's house, and into the warm, omnomtacular smelling air walked Darren Criss. You know, just normal things. The weirdest part about it was that none of us acted weirdly about it. He was just kind of there. Not out of place. Nobody special. He was just Darren.

I thought about it a little longer this morning, and then, in class, I realized this wasn't the first time I've had a dream that Darren's been in. I couldn't help but laugh about it, and got an angry glare from my logic professor, who was talking about truth tables or some other mundane as hell topic. In my next class, I got distracted and missed critiquing an entire 40 line soliloquy. What distracted me? The title of this blog came to me and it was magic and I died and I am dead and also a ghost writer.**

So anyway, the first dream:
I was at my old school, at an after school, super secret, illegal band practice in the gym. No idea why it was illegal, but it just was. Our director, Mr. Art Coleman, a scary loud man who you don't want to ignore, told us to cross the campus back to the bandroom. We crossed, worrying that we'd be caught by the small but terrifying campus security monitor, "Miss Ernestine", whose goal in life was to stop the band. She was kind of a dream-real-life Sue Sylvester.

Well, turns out she caught us. We all managed to get across the poorly laid out campus in seconds, and made it into the newly put in hallway maze that was full of hiding spaces. What can I say? I guess I'm an architect.*** Turns out she knows all of the hiding spaces, so we were sent home.

It was dark and my family was nowhere to be found, and I was too young (17?) to drive, so my teacher, who had somehow turned into Andrew Slack, gave me a ride home. On the way home, he decided he was hungry and insisted on buying use cheeseburgers. Thanks again, Andrew!

We got out of the car, food in hand, at a house that wasn't mine. I walk around the car to assist Slackman with the food, but he had turned into someone claiming to be my friend Nikki's grandfather. I was resistant at first, but I ended up entering the house with him to eat that burger.

Did I mention he was creepy looking?

We climbed the stairs up the side of the house, completely ignoring the front door. I'm really surprised my Spidey Senses weren't tingling to let me know how bad of an idea that was. I walked in, as he held the bulky door open for me, and was immediately flabbergasted to see the very same treble clef statue that Darren Criss posed with on the cover of his imaginary album. Turns out the creepy stairs leading up the side of the house went immediately back down inside to form a balcony over the coolest living room I'd ever seen.

I went to the bathroom to was my hands, because that is the biggest worry you should have when accepting food from creepy old men that you don't know. (Sorry, Nikki! He wasn't REALLY your grandpa. At least, I hope not.) When I returned, the old man was sitting at the bottom of the balcony. It was more like a stairs-cony. I don't remember anything besides the steps just stopping. It was kind of cool, actually.

I went down to sit next to the old man, looked at him, and he was Darren Criss. You know, I've just been bought food by the combination Art Coleman/Andrew Slack/Not Nikki's Grandpa/Darren Criss.**** AND I AM IN HIS HOUSE. So then, we talked about music for a minute or so and my alarm went off. It's a pity, I was having fun.

That's all for today, folks! See you tomorrow!

*I feel like I've already made this joke this month, so I'm not going to do it again.
***Have you guys all seen Inception? I really hope you have. Great, great, great film. Definitely worth checking out.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Jordan rambles.

I have really done nothing today, guys. I woke up too early, went to class, came home, did my homework, and have just spent the day here with my dog. I really should get one of those things. I think they're called lives? Maybe I'll ask for one for Christmas.

As I'm sure you noticed, I'm already running out of things to talk about in these posts, so I'm just going to ramble for a bit and we'll see how that goes.

I really enjoy music. I'm sure that you'll think me stupid and obvious for saying that, but it's true. I love discovering new music, playing music, reading music, writing music. Everything. I love it all. The thing is, though, everybody is trying to pressure me into becoming a music major and that is just something I do not want to do. I've seen my former teachers, now friends, break down. I've seen them freak out because they have no idea what to do. I've seen one of them take a two month break because they said that if they didn't, the only other option for sanity would be to quit their job. I don't want that.

Sure, there are other jobs relating to music, but who says I could have one? I don't have the patience to practice like hell and become a performance major, and I definitely don't want to do something that I think is silly, like becoming a music historian or therapist. I just don't know what to do to get everybody off of my back.

Almost half of a year ago now, I decided that I would like to be a teacher. For those of you who don't know me, I've said for my whole life that I wouldn't be a teacher. I regret it now, because teaching is something I actually care about. Sure, I haven't been the best student, but I want other people to be able to learn from my mistakes, and I want to be able to help them.

The problem is that I haven't exactly been able to determine what it is that I could help them in. I'm really passionate about English, reading, and writing, but I don't know that I'll ever feel qualified enough to teach it. I can't stand math, but it is probably my strongest suit. Yeah, actually, no, screw that. Math is just not going to happen, guys. History is bland for me, and science is only fun whenever you get to do experiments. So yeah, maybe it will be English that I teach.

Still, I can't help but think that I won't be able to teach it. I don't have the best grammar. I haven't read most "classic" books that everyone else seems to know. But I often find myself getting lost in the language. I find reality blurring, and get into reading or writing as if it's the only thing that exists.

Speaking of writing, I didn't ever end up starting Script Frenzy. Whoops! Maybe these "write this much in this amount of time" things just aren't for me. The farthest I've ever gotten into NaNoWriMo is somewhere short of 40,000 words. I just reread that sentence. Okay, so that's not BAD. Still. I think I'm better when I have time to plan things out, instead of just rambling on for a few paragraphs and then stopping until the next day.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shortest BEDA in the history of BEDAs

Spent the day at a park, helping the chilluns practice playing base/softball.

At my uncle's house now, but I won't have time to write anything when I get home, because I have a bunch of homework to do. I hop you have all been well, and I promise to write more tomorrow. See ya then!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Past Jordan, here to save the day!

Today, I will be doing many things. Here is a list of them:

-I will probably read all of Shakespeare's As You Like It, the Commentaries in the back of the book, and finish Sorcerer's Stone for the first time in my new found adulthood.

-I will clean my dad's entire house, probably, since he was planning on inviting my family over for dinner to celebrate my birth or something. Whoopdeefreakingdoo. Don't get me wrong: I love my family, but they're just a lot to handle sometimes.

-I will juggle for at least 4 hours. I'm determined to get back into juggling shape, seeing as I had a two month-ish break back in December/January, and haven't really juggled since.

-I will take my little brother to his baseball game, which is exciting because it will be the first one I actually get to go to. Go Reds!

-I will hopefully go for a bike ride, because I really am going to need a break from my dad's house after cleaning it all.

-I will sleep a lot, probably, since my sleeping schedule is way off now.

Well, that's it, folks. Past Jordan has got to go back to Friday to get down and pack a bag for the weekend. Talk to you guys tomorrow!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Blog Every Day That You Remember To Before You Have To Leave For The Weekend And Won't Be Back In Time To Blog For The Next Day in April. I don't even care about that atrocious capitalizing.

Last night, I had a dream.* Wait. No, that's not right. Last night, I didn't have a dream at all because I didn't sleep. That's right! From somewhere past midnight until 5:30, when my dog woke up crying, I just sat there on my bed, doing nothing at all. At 5:30, I went out into the living room to comfort him and decided to stay there because he was a bit shaky. Must have had a bad dream.

I finally fell asleep at about 6:30, and instead of waking me up at 6:30 like I'd asked her to, my mom decided that it would be all right for me to miss my only class of the day. So, now I'll have to figure out a way to turn in the assignment that was do, and figure out if we did anything important that I need to know. Fun.**

In a few minutes, I need to clean my room and pack a bag, for I will be off to my dad's for the weekend. Thanks again for the birthday wished!

See you guys tomorrow, if I manage to write another post in the next five minutes. If not, oh well, another failed year of BEDA.

*I found myself in a desert called... Cyberland. It was hot, my canteen had sprung a leak and I was... thirsty.
**FUN, FUN, FUN, YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS. Happy Friday, everyone.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


First off, I want to thank all of my friends for the birthday wishes I've been receiving nonstop for the last 23 hours. It really means a lot to me, and I'm glad to have you all in my life.

I started my day today running late, rushing to get ready and gamble for the first time. Today, if you didn't know, I turned 18: the age at which you can legally gamble in California. I actually just had to stop writing for five minutes and thank the people who have wished me a happy birthday in the last 10 minutes. Yay!

Anyway, we drove the hour-ish drive from Stockton to Jackson and I couldn't help but stare out the window the entire time. It was unreal. I was in disbelief that things so beautiful could be so close to the hellmouth of a place that Stockton is. Acres upon acres (heck, MILES UPON MILES) of lush green life, and not a stop in sight. Next time I go, I'm definitely taking my uncle's camera so I can take pictures the entire way.

Anyway, we got there and of course, I got carded as soon as we walked in. WHAT UP, SECURITY DUDE? I'M EIGHTEEN. After that was done, we went to the little registration dude place and got me a card to become a member and earn points and prizes and fun and junk. The lady gave me a free shirt and button, and throughout the day, everybody was wishing me a happy birthday! I felt like I was in Disneyland. It was great.

We got to playing, and I immediately lost 30 bucks. So, that sucked. I watched for a little while in anger, and I remember saying that "I liked that money more when it was money." I played around for a little while and after losing 20 more bucks, went to a fun-looking machine near my grandma. First try and I changed a 20 dollar bill into 90 bucks! Not too bad, huh? We played through the rest of the day and I ended up leaving with $75 more than I came with. My grandma won $600. Naturally, we happy danced.

Before we left, my grandma bought us lunch at the buffet dude that they have there. I ate so much that I died. I am actually a ghost now. I had one and a half plates of food and a bunch of desserts. I had a cookie, creme puffs, ice cream, bread pudding, brownies. Oh my God. I wish I would have known the dessert was going to be so good. Maybe then I wouldn't have eaten and skipped straight on to the good stuff.

I fell asleep on the way home, so I don't think anything eventful happened. Actually, when we got to my grandparents' house, I slept in my cousin's bed. Man, I'm going to be up all night.

My mom got out of work and joined us over for dinner, or as I called it, "take two bites of a taco and try not to throw up." It was good, but man, was I full. My hour on the treadmill yesterday was rendered completely useless by everything I ate today. Oh well.

I think that should do it for today. I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

You know what I've been thinking about for the last few minutes, guys? I performed at the same venue as Miley Cyrus. MILEY CYRUS. You know, only the biggest tween popstar in the history of tween popstars? That Miley Cyrus? YEAH. Just had to get that out.

Today, I didn't go to my two classes because I was tired and tomorrow is my birthday and I JUST DON'T GIVE A CKUF. So, that's that.

All day, I've only been listening to '90s/early '00s music. So, that's that.

I was on the treadmill for AN HOUR today because I didn't go to school and if I didn't do something, I would have just been in bed all day. So, that's that.

I turn 18 in about 4 hours. So, that's that.

I have absolutely nothing to talk about today. So, that's that.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


For probably the last time, tonight I'll go to bed as a child.* It's a bit shocking how fast it's come, really. I've looked forward to it my whole life, but now I don't think that I'm ready. I just wish it would all slow down. I can finally make my own decisions, at least to some point, and live life how I want to, but with that, I lose a big part of me. What will be my excuse to act the way I do now? Will it feel awkward to say that some of my closest friends are, like, 16? Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care? Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare? My childhood has been a great one, friends, and if you've had any part of it, I genuinely want to thank you. Thank you for everything.

In lieu of becoming one of those "today I did this" bloggers, I want to look back on my life as a whole.

Here, have a list of some of my proudest moments:
-In first grade, I won first place in a district-wide math competition. WHAT UP.
-After a few days of school, it was decided that I was "too smart" for second grade, and I was moved up to third, where I became top of my class and went on to win the Hazelton Award with my then best friend, Michael Naylor. No idea what ever happened to him.
-In fifth grade, I took my first music class, and chose the clarinet because my teacher said I was too small for a saxaphone.
-In sixth grade, I adapted 4 of C.S. Lewis' Narnia books for makeshift-stage. It was made of PVC pipes, curtains, and AWESOME. Oh, and I was in the district's only full-day G.A.T.E. class, or something. Whatever.
-In seventh and eighth grade, I went through severe depression and junk, but managed to not fail a grade. Woo!
-In ninth grade, I performed in Vancouver** for a band competition, and we won Sweepstakes. WOO! (It was only out of like four, it turns out, but I ain't even bovered.)
-In 12th grade, I got to live one of my dreams and marched right down the middle of Main Street, U.S.A. It was so amazing.
-I know I said I wouldn't do this, but today, I'm staying positive, thinking ahead, and trying my hardest to enjoy life.

I'm really tired right now, and I think I'm just going to, you know, NOT track things this month, seeing as I haven't done so since the first day.

I hope you are all well, and I'll see you tomorrow!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Right now, I'm busy doing a character analysis of King Henry of Henry V fame that I've been putting off. I hope that you all forgive me for this short post, but I really need to get this done and go to sleep. I'm performing my monologue in the morning and I'm a bit nervous about it. I trip up with Shakespeare in front of people. I'll just automatically take out the -sts and rearrange the words so they make more sense. I can't do that tomorrow.

I hope all is best, and I promise you a longer post tomorrow.

Best wishes!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Darn you, Magic Eight Ball.

Writing this, I can't help but look angrily at the "Magic Eight Ball CGI" tab I have open. I was in the middle of catching up on the BEDA posts of people I follow for the last two days, and in one post, Hayley Hoover uses that site to help her make an ever-so-important decision: To go out, or not to go out? For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to ask it if I should work on my post for the day, or finish catching up. OF course, with my luck, it ended up saying that I should "absolutely" write my post now. Stupid Magic Eight Ball.

I left my house around 5 P.M. Friday to spend the weekend with my dad, as I do most.* We went to pick up my brother, and were off to go to his softball game. My dad's at the cusp of mid-life, and is clutching desperately to his last bits of youth, and so I guess this is why he plays softball every week with a broken toe, hurt foot, and near-constantly strained neck. I decided to just let him have his fun.

Anyway, at his game, while switching between innings, somebody in the stands screams and points to the field, where we see a guy flat on his back, shaking like mad. It was honestly one of the scariest things I've ever seen. Forgive me for saying this, but I've always thought seizures were comical, and that people just laughed them off after they stopped shaking. Turns out that's not the case. The game was stopped for 15 minutes or so, while an ambulance came to take him and his rightfully paranoid daughter to the hospital. I feel so bad for her, she looked to be my age and had no idea what to do. Her mom came immediately, and tailed the ambulance to the hospital.

On Saturday, I walked my brother to his baseball game, only to realize I had no idea where it was. We got there five minutes later than he was supposed to be. Luckily, he still had 25 minutes 'til the game was supposed to start. So that was nice.

Today, my brother, dad, and I watched tv. That is literally all we did for the entire day. I'm really tired, though, because I woke up early, so I'm just going to go to bed now. It's been real. See ya tomorrow!

Born This Way listens: Same as Friday. I haven't listened to anything but the OMWF soundtrack since then
Script Frenzy pages: 0, but I'm starting tomorrow.

*That's the reason why most Saturday posts you see from me won't be up to date, but instead written by PAST JORDAN, who is, as you might have guessed, me from the past.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Past Jordan returns, for the 3rd BEDA in a row.

Hello, fellow BEDAins, it's good to see me, isn't it? I am AWAY today, so this is from the past. I hope we're all well, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Have a survey I found online, in lieu of an actual blog post for today. Ta ta for now, and I'll resume keeping track on everything tomorrow. Bye!

Survey About Yourself
About You
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:Black/Really Dark Brown
Height:Last I checked, just under six foot, but that was a long time ago and I can touch ceilings now.
Favorite Color:Blue, or green.
Screen Name:jordiekins (and variations of that)
Favorite Band:Freelance Whales? Maybe? I listen to them the most.
Favorite Movie:The Lion King
Favorite Show:Buffy, Lost, 30 Rock, The Office, etc.
Your Car:Nonexistant
Your Hometown:Stockton, CA
Your Present Town:Stockton, CA
Your Crushes First Name:Yeah, I\'m going to tell you that.
Your Grade:I\'m a freshman in college.
Your Style:I think you mean swag, outdated Myspace survey.
Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop?:Yeah, of course.
Kissed someone in the rain?:Nope.
Danced in a public place?:Yeah?
Smiled for no reason?:All the time. Especially when I\'m spaced out, and people think I\'m looking at them.
Laughed so hard you cried?:A few times.
Peed your pants after age 8?:Nope.
Written a song?:Loads. You\'ll never hear them.
Sang to someone for no reason?:I always sing, but I never ACTUALLY sing. I put on this annoying voice and make fun of songs.
Performed on a stage?:Quite a few times.
Talked to someone you don't know?:How else would you make friends?
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?:No comment.
Made out in a theatre?:Nope.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?:I don\'t think so. I think that was around the time all of the skating rinks in my area closed.
Been in love?:Nope.
Who was the last person to
Say HI to you?:My mom, on the phone.
Tell you, I love you?:My mom, on the phone.
Kiss you?:Does my dog count? He does every time I tell him to go to bed.
Hug you?:No idea.
Tell you BYE?:My mom, on the phone.
Write you a note?:I don\'t remember.
Take your photo?:My aunt, at a birthday party.
Call your cell phone?:My mom. Ugh, enough with these mom/phone questions.
Buy you something?:My grandma.
Go with you to the movies?:My cousins Mariah, Gabrielle, Morgan, James-Paul, and Steph. HARRY POTTER.
Sing to you?:My little cousin was singing for me yesterday, does that count?
Write a poem about you?:I was on a haiku kick a few weeks ago. I think Nikki wrote a few back, maybe. I don\'t remember.
Text message you?:Steph
Touch you?:In what sense? o, hold on, my mom\'s calling. =P
What's the last
Time you laughed?:This morning, playing with my dog.
Time you cried?:T***\'s death in Buffy.
Movie you watched?:I rewatched the filmed stage version of Madea\'s Big Happy Family last night. So.
Joke you told?:I honestly have no idea.
Song you've sang?:I\'ve Got A Theory, from the Buffy musical, Once More, With Feeling
Time you've looked at the clock?:Just now, whenever I was asked this question.
Drink you've had?:Water
Number you've dialed?:My dad\'s.
Book you've read?:I just finished catching up in \"A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare: 1599,\" by James Shapiro. Thrilling, right?
Food you've eaten?:I had a sandwich for lunch.
Flavor of gum chewed?:No idea.
Shoes you've worn?:My good ol\' Chucks.
Store you've been in?:Dollar Tree, I want to say.
Thing you've said?:I was talking to my dog, so who knows?
Can You
Write with both hands?:Not neatly, but I can if I have to.
Blow a bubble?:Yeah.
Roll your tounge in a circle?:No, I\'ve never been able to make sense fo it either.
Cross your eyes?:Yes.
Touch your tounge to your nose?:No.
Gleek?:Not on command. Only when I don\'t want to.
Stay up a whole night without sleep?:My record is 30-some odd hours.
Speak a different language?:Je parle un petit peu de Francais.
Impersonate someone?:I can do Mickey Mouse\'s voice, but my voice is too low to do his chuckle now.
Prank call people?:Sure?
Make a card pyramid?:Yeah.
Cook anything?:No.
Finish The Line
If i were a ...:boooooy, even just for a day...
I wish ...:you peace and love and happiness in everything you do.
So many people don't know that ...:I am only 17 years old. Only for five more days.
I am ...:THE WALRUS.
My heart is ...:dead. If my heart could beat, it would break my chest.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Surprise! A blog about Buffy and Script Frenzy and BEDA and Stuff. (No Spoilers)

I’ve decided that it would be best if I got this out of the way now, to make the most out of my time tomorrow.* I’m in a bit of a pickle, you see. On one hand, I want to participate in Script Frenzy this year, possibly writing an imaginary episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, to right the wrongs that happened in the series finale. Oh, I should also mention I’m on a huge Buffy kick, seeing as I just finished watching the entire show last night.** And on the other, I really would like to have time to focus on school (read: Tumblr). Anyway, for tomorrow’s (today‘s?*) blog, I’ll recap today (yesterday).* Did you follow that?

I started off the day by finishing up Buffy, which kept me watching until 2am. I then watched interviews with the cast, and live performances of the Buffy Musical, Once More, With Feeling until six in the morning.*** I finally fell asleep to have my mom wake me up an hour later, because my dog had a bad dream and was walking around the house whimpering. I guess I’m the only one that can actually comfort and calm him down whenever he gets like that. We’re close.

After another two hours, or so, of sleep, I woke up to really start the day. By “start the day,” I actually mean “rewatch more episodes of Buffy and mope about because of the two really important deaths in the end that left me broken and hurt and junk.” So then, I got out my ukulele and acted and played through all of OMWF, because I am weird and I do stuff like that. It also helped me decide that I’m really likely to be covering “Under Your Spell,” a breakaway pop hit from the musical.****

I ended up starting to watch Angel, the spin-off of Buff-- You know what? I’m going to stop talking about Buffy now. For the rest of the day, I lazed around, juggled for a bit, played with my dog, and ate dinner. That’s about it. I think I’m going to run double my normal amount tomorrow to make up for it. I just feel disgusting.

I’m off to take a shower now, but I’ll leave you with a few things I plan to be tracking throughout this month.

Happy BEDA*****, friends!

Number of times I’ve listened to Born This Way since its release: 468******
Number of pages for Script Frenzy written today, if I end up doing it at all: 0, since it hasn’t started yet.

*I don’t like this whole Date-Changes-At-Midnight thing. Can’t it just be tomorrow when I wake up? Why make it complicated, World? I’d much rather you revolve around me.

**Yesterday morning, technically. Or was it today? No, it‘s past midnight, I guess, so it was two days ago. Or was it yesterday? I think it was yesterday. Okay, according to Netflix, it definitely happened on March 31st.*

***Relax, imaginary adults cringing at the thought of me, a seventeen year old staying up until six on a Thursday morning. I’m in COLLEGE and on SPRING BREAK. So, ha.

****Sly reference, innit?

*****BEDA is a bi-annual blogging spree, originated by Maureen Johnson in April 2009. It stands for Blog Every Day in April. Whenever everybody realized that August also starts with an A, it became bi-annual. This is my third attempt, I think. Wish me luck!

******Yes, I’m crazy. Very crazy. There’s hardly a moment where music isn’t playing in my house, so it’s not even the only song way into the hundreds.