Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding.

I've had a nice day, friends. I woke up, got completely ready before I had to be out of the house, and I just got home from dinner (pizza) with my grandparents. I rocked my sight-singing today, and we did next-to-nothing in my other two classes. I have no idea why today has been such and easy day, but it has. Let's hope the rest of the term goes by like this.

My piano keyboard decided to break on me yesterday, after six long years. It's going to suck, but I'm not going to be able to afford replacing it until after LeakyCon. It sucks that I have to give up so much and miss so many great opportunities to go to this con, but I don't think I'm really going to regret it. I can't wait to spend time with my friends. IRL time.

Speaking of LeakyCon, I kind of daydreamed about Lauren Lopez a lot in class today. I don't know if that's creepy or not. It probably is. I'm just really excited to see/meet some Starkids, assuming I can somehow get to the front of the lines and won't be pushed over by fangirls. Lauren's great, and I've been consciously rolling around from place to place for the last week. That's probably creepy as well.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to have ANOTHER short post, folks. My plans for the night include this: I'm going to finish my homework in the next hour (Really guys, in the next hour, no questions asked), then, I'm going to sleep for about five hours so that I can watch the royal wedding.

I should explain. I don't really care about the Royal Family. Not at all. What I do care about, however, is being up to date on pop culture, and I have this strange feeling that this is going to be another huge pop culture event. So that's why I'm watching. So that's why I'll be up for 23 hours tomorrow. So that's why I'm going to end this post now.

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