Friday, April 1, 2011

Surprise! A blog about Buffy and Script Frenzy and BEDA and Stuff. (No Spoilers)

I’ve decided that it would be best if I got this out of the way now, to make the most out of my time tomorrow.* I’m in a bit of a pickle, you see. On one hand, I want to participate in Script Frenzy this year, possibly writing an imaginary episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, to right the wrongs that happened in the series finale. Oh, I should also mention I’m on a huge Buffy kick, seeing as I just finished watching the entire show last night.** And on the other, I really would like to have time to focus on school (read: Tumblr). Anyway, for tomorrow’s (today‘s?*) blog, I’ll recap today (yesterday).* Did you follow that?

I started off the day by finishing up Buffy, which kept me watching until 2am. I then watched interviews with the cast, and live performances of the Buffy Musical, Once More, With Feeling until six in the morning.*** I finally fell asleep to have my mom wake me up an hour later, because my dog had a bad dream and was walking around the house whimpering. I guess I’m the only one that can actually comfort and calm him down whenever he gets like that. We’re close.

After another two hours, or so, of sleep, I woke up to really start the day. By “start the day,” I actually mean “rewatch more episodes of Buffy and mope about because of the two really important deaths in the end that left me broken and hurt and junk.” So then, I got out my ukulele and acted and played through all of OMWF, because I am weird and I do stuff like that. It also helped me decide that I’m really likely to be covering “Under Your Spell,” a breakaway pop hit from the musical.****

I ended up starting to watch Angel, the spin-off of Buff-- You know what? I’m going to stop talking about Buffy now. For the rest of the day, I lazed around, juggled for a bit, played with my dog, and ate dinner. That’s about it. I think I’m going to run double my normal amount tomorrow to make up for it. I just feel disgusting.

I’m off to take a shower now, but I’ll leave you with a few things I plan to be tracking throughout this month.

Happy BEDA*****, friends!

Number of times I’ve listened to Born This Way since its release: 468******
Number of pages for Script Frenzy written today, if I end up doing it at all: 0, since it hasn’t started yet.

*I don’t like this whole Date-Changes-At-Midnight thing. Can’t it just be tomorrow when I wake up? Why make it complicated, World? I’d much rather you revolve around me.

**Yesterday morning, technically. Or was it today? No, it‘s past midnight, I guess, so it was two days ago. Or was it yesterday? I think it was yesterday. Okay, according to Netflix, it definitely happened on March 31st.*

***Relax, imaginary adults cringing at the thought of me, a seventeen year old staying up until six on a Thursday morning. I’m in COLLEGE and on SPRING BREAK. So, ha.

****Sly reference, innit?

*****BEDA is a bi-annual blogging spree, originated by Maureen Johnson in April 2009. It stands for Blog Every Day in April. Whenever everybody realized that August also starts with an A, it became bi-annual. This is my third attempt, I think. Wish me luck!

******Yes, I’m crazy. Very crazy. There’s hardly a moment where music isn’t playing in my house, so it’s not even the only song way into the hundreds.


  1. GOOD LUUUUUUCK. This is my second time. Which reminds me, I should probably get started on mine too........ *exits, pursued by bear*

    I am picking up some Maureen-isms.

  2. OMG JORDANA YOU USE SO MANY ******************************

