Friday, April 8, 2011


Blog Every Day That You Remember To Before You Have To Leave For The Weekend And Won't Be Back In Time To Blog For The Next Day in April. I don't even care about that atrocious capitalizing.

Last night, I had a dream.* Wait. No, that's not right. Last night, I didn't have a dream at all because I didn't sleep. That's right! From somewhere past midnight until 5:30, when my dog woke up crying, I just sat there on my bed, doing nothing at all. At 5:30, I went out into the living room to comfort him and decided to stay there because he was a bit shaky. Must have had a bad dream.

I finally fell asleep at about 6:30, and instead of waking me up at 6:30 like I'd asked her to, my mom decided that it would be all right for me to miss my only class of the day. So, now I'll have to figure out a way to turn in the assignment that was do, and figure out if we did anything important that I need to know. Fun.**

In a few minutes, I need to clean my room and pack a bag, for I will be off to my dad's for the weekend. Thanks again for the birthday wished!

See you guys tomorrow, if I manage to write another post in the next five minutes. If not, oh well, another failed year of BEDA.

*I found myself in a desert called... Cyberland. It was hot, my canteen had sprung a leak and I was... thirsty.
**FUN, FUN, FUN, YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS. Happy Friday, everyone.

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