Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big Brother

Not many of you know this, unless you follow me on my second Twitter account or I forget to tweet from it and accidentally use my main one, but I am a huge fan of the CBS show Big Brother. Now I don't know what that tells you about me, but it certainly lets me know that I am a huge freak who obsesses over watching every single move a group of people make over the course of three months.

Lately, I've decided that I would like to one day be on the show. I'm sure that I'm not good tv, and I wouldn't appeal to enough audience, but c'mon, they have Adam on this show. I can't possibly be worse than Adam, can I?

The only problem I have found with my plan to be on Big Brother is the age limit. I am only 18, meaning that the very soonest I can be on the show would be in July of 2014. But hey, not only does that give me enough time to reach the American legal drinking age, but if I planned everything right, it would put me in line to finish college just a few weeks before! I'd even have time to watch every season of the show that I missed.

How fun of a way to celebrate graduation would that be, huh? Spending three months in a house with other people, for free, with the chance of winning up to $500,000 dollars? Sounds great to me! Sure, I would have no privacy, and depending on what I did in the house, I might not be able to find a job. Those will just be risks that I would have to take.

Anyway, for the rest of this blog, I'd like to talk about what is currently going on in the house, as of show time. Brendon, as we all expected to happen, was voted out of the house. Rachel went into hysterics of course, but that's just Rachel. Hopefully she'll perk up in the next week or so and give Dani some real competition.

The Head of Household competition went by as planned, with Dani's coaching Kalia earlier in the week proving to be useful. I am so unbelievably happy that Kalia is HOH, and I don't think Dani could have been put in a better position. She's done quite the turnaround since nearly ruining her game a little over a week ago.

Hopefully, Kalia will do something smart and get Rachel out of the house. I think the easiest way to do this would be to backdoor her, and to do this, Jeff and Jordan need to be 100% in on it and with Kalia and Dani. If Kalia put up Jeff and Jordan as pawns, and the other competitors in the Power of Veto competition are player's choice, they can choose Dani and Lawon, making absolute certain that they get the veto. The veto would get used to replace Jeff with Rachel, and Rachel goes home in the same way that "her man" did last week. Donunzio.

Of course, this isn't the way things always work in the Big Brother house, so we naturally have a problem. Next week, a past house guest will play against said evictee, and I think this means that we're going to end up with Rachel vs. Dominic, and I'm honestly not sure who would win. I guess it's all right, though, as the person I am rooting for, Danielle, will be able to compete for HOH again, and I'm sure that Big Brother will make sure the odds are ever in her favor. Get it? Big Brother is kind of like the real world Hunger Games, except nobody dies. And they get food. And shelter. And you have to pay to watch them sometimes. And there are people who actually want to watch them. So, yeah, just like the books.

I guess that's it for me tonight, folks, and I'll see you tomorrow!

Miles ran today: HAHAHAHAHA
Books read in August: 1
Weigh Gained/Lost: I have no idea. I'm sick, so I haven't kept track at all.
Twitter followers: 434. I guess I accidentally tweet about Big Brother too much.

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