Saturday, April 30, 2011

The last little gray, white, and orange blog post.

I just stubbed my toe, which is probably crazy to you if you've just finished reading yesterday's blog in which I state that I'm writing this directly after writing the last. If anyone can hurt his self without moving, it's me. This really hurts!

I've been keeping a bit of a secret for the last week, and that's the fact that I'm writing a song about Doctor Who. I'm considering writing one per every episode of this series, but I don't know if that's going to happen. I started writing it last Saturday, but quickly stopped after realizing that I had nowhere to go story-wise, and it would be better if I just waited until the second half of the episode airs today. You can expect it in the next few weeks.

I'm planning on buying my plane ticket for LeakyCon on Monday, which is exciting and scary at the same time. I've never traveled that far alone. When I say alone, I mean without family. There's usually someone there. Someone to watch over me.* I'll have my friends, but I won't get to see them until I get there, and it's completely terrifying.

Speaking of LeakyCon, it's all starting to get real, isn't it? The end. Not the end. A new beginning. A time where we won't have anything new in the foreseeable future, and will have to look back to what we love. It's not an end, but it is.

Like Harry Potter, BEDA is sort of coming to an end. But not really, right? It has been great, and I honestly can't wait until August, so I can do it all again. "Why wait?" you may ask. Well, readers, that's because I'm in crunch-mode right now. I have three weeks left of classes, far too many finals, and a bunch of work to do. I don't know if I'll be posting until after the term's over, but I'll try. See you soon!

*Great, great song. Listen to it!

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