Thursday, April 7, 2011


First off, I want to thank all of my friends for the birthday wishes I've been receiving nonstop for the last 23 hours. It really means a lot to me, and I'm glad to have you all in my life.

I started my day today running late, rushing to get ready and gamble for the first time. Today, if you didn't know, I turned 18: the age at which you can legally gamble in California. I actually just had to stop writing for five minutes and thank the people who have wished me a happy birthday in the last 10 minutes. Yay!

Anyway, we drove the hour-ish drive from Stockton to Jackson and I couldn't help but stare out the window the entire time. It was unreal. I was in disbelief that things so beautiful could be so close to the hellmouth of a place that Stockton is. Acres upon acres (heck, MILES UPON MILES) of lush green life, and not a stop in sight. Next time I go, I'm definitely taking my uncle's camera so I can take pictures the entire way.

Anyway, we got there and of course, I got carded as soon as we walked in. WHAT UP, SECURITY DUDE? I'M EIGHTEEN. After that was done, we went to the little registration dude place and got me a card to become a member and earn points and prizes and fun and junk. The lady gave me a free shirt and button, and throughout the day, everybody was wishing me a happy birthday! I felt like I was in Disneyland. It was great.

We got to playing, and I immediately lost 30 bucks. So, that sucked. I watched for a little while in anger, and I remember saying that "I liked that money more when it was money." I played around for a little while and after losing 20 more bucks, went to a fun-looking machine near my grandma. First try and I changed a 20 dollar bill into 90 bucks! Not too bad, huh? We played through the rest of the day and I ended up leaving with $75 more than I came with. My grandma won $600. Naturally, we happy danced.

Before we left, my grandma bought us lunch at the buffet dude that they have there. I ate so much that I died. I am actually a ghost now. I had one and a half plates of food and a bunch of desserts. I had a cookie, creme puffs, ice cream, bread pudding, brownies. Oh my God. I wish I would have known the dessert was going to be so good. Maybe then I wouldn't have eaten and skipped straight on to the good stuff.

I fell asleep on the way home, so I don't think anything eventful happened. Actually, when we got to my grandparents' house, I slept in my cousin's bed. Man, I'm going to be up all night.

My mom got out of work and joined us over for dinner, or as I called it, "take two bites of a taco and try not to throw up." It was good, but man, was I full. My hour on the treadmill yesterday was rendered completely useless by everything I ate today. Oh well.

I think that should do it for today. I'll see you guys tomorrow!


  1. Hi. I love you.
    Welcome to adulthood, suckaaa.

  2. An actual comment left on my profile: "welcome to the real world jackass. and jail is now around the corner."
