Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I almost didn't post today.

Today was long, even though it was a half-day at school (like all wednesdays), and we only had to go from 7-12. Wait, don't normal schools run for 6 hours? That's 5. Not much of a half-day, huh? Maybe that's why they're called minimum days. On regular days, we have school from 7:16-2:16. 7 FRIKKEN HOURS. Why the random 16's? WE HAVE NO CLUE. Our school wanted to be unique and torture it's students?

So anyway, today we took the first part of our STAR testing, which used to be called CSTs, which in turn used to be called STAR testing. It's where the state decides to test you for no reason besides making your head explode. Being the bored junior I am, I peeked ahead at the next section (which we're doing tomorrow) and I saw the words "Harry Potter." I was so excited. It was just boring sentence comprehension stuff though.

This month has been pretty good. I got $500, the most ever, just for my birthday. I was so happy. I'm still saving up for a macbook, so it's not going anywhere anytime soon. I've gotten featured TWICE in Kristina Horner's blog for my Sinweeda skillz (with a 'z'). Check it out at I'm Jordiekins. I've maintained good grades, and HOLY CRAP MY FRIENDS BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW. I haven't gotten a present yet. ugh... *stares blankly*

I will write Jordan (not me)/Meg FF tomorrow even if it kills me. I've put it off for way to long.

Today I...
-didn't read anything, but read lots of state testy stuff.

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