Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day Deux.

Well, today wasn't that much better than yesterday. I had a nice long chat with Umbridge that ended in her telling me she was glad I transferred into her class. o.O Whatevs.

In my English class, we spent our fourth one-and-a-half hour class session on "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. 6 HOURS IS WAY TOO MUCH TIME TO READ DEAD PEOPLE'S STORIES. Who does my teacher think he is, my boss? I think not.

Chemistry was fun, I managed to turn in all of the missing work I had, I now have the fifth highest grade in the class, only surpassed by those who copy me. I wish that wasn't true.

In band we started getting ready for Hawaii, they leave on the 13th. One of our members arranged a medley of classic Hawaiian songs. We just started today. We are a VERY last-minute band.

Let's hope they do good. We got sweepstakes in Canada!

I'm going to go listen to some good ol' Harry and the Potters now, DFTBloginApril.

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