Monday, April 6, 2009

Dentists, Birthdays, Books, and Sammiches.

To start, I've had a great day. I didn't have to go to school because I had a dentist appointment smack dab in the middle of it, and I couldn't be happier.

On the way to the dentist's office, we realized that we still had about 30 minutes to spare so we went to target. With my birthday being tomorrow, and my family's usual lateness, my mom and grandma asked me what I wanted. I GOT THREE BOOKS AND TWO SHIRTS. win.

Here comes the notsome part: my old dentist fails at life (literally). The last time I had went to a dentist, I had to get four fillings. five. FIVE FILLINGS. Apparently, when you get a filling, you shouldn't feel the drill drilling into your tooth. I did last time. =/ Not only did he hurt me, he did a crappy job at filling in the holes. Upon X-ray examination (how cool does that sound?), he apparently hadn't filled the entire cavity... specifically, the bottom part. My new dentist is nice, funny, and pretty cool, though, so it's all good.

When we got home, I immediately tore into one of the books I got. It's great. more on that later.

And now, I am eating the most delicious sandwich I have ever had. IT'S ALMOST BETTER THAN CHIPOTLE BURRITOS. Maybe. It has lettuce, tomatoes, onions, mustard, mayo, pepper jack cheese, ham, turkey, and salami.

I'm going to go read again. Perhaps I'll do the 18 before 18 thing tomorrow, or perhaps, I'll just celebrate my birthday.
Oh, hai 16.

Today I...
-read 78 pages of "The hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins
-recommend Smart Mouths.

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