Friday, April 3, 2009


I had a really good day.
I completely screwed up a piano test with "Umbridge", but it doesn't even matter. I still have an A in that class.

In English, instead of doing work, we watched "The Shining". At our relatively new school, all classrooms have at least one computer and a projector, so we watch movies and stuff on a big screen that covers the whiteboard. If anyone has seen that movie, they would know about a nudity scene in that movie. Worrying about an administrator walking in during that scene, our teacher decided to block the screen with a white piece of paper. HE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND HOW A PROJECTOR WORKS. We made fun of him.

In Chem, I helped some kids out, turned in all of my work from the week, and left. very fast.

In band, we just did the same thing as yesterday, but today, we got a revised version of the march being played in Hawaii. The First strain is "Fish and Poi", the second is "Aloha Oe", and the third hasn't been announced yet. All of the parts got switched around, so now it sounds much better than it did yesterday.

Tomorrow is going to be weird. I'm not entirely sure I'll get to post, but if I don't, I will definitely post twice on Sunday. This, most-likely, will happen on all Saturdays. BE PREPARED.

I want to watch The Lion King now.

I'm thinking about starting something daily on here, as a special feature type section of my blog, you know?
I was thinking about maybe posting about how many pages I've read of what each day, or maybe recommend something on the internet.

Today I:
-read 88 pages of "Skipping Christmas" by John Grisham

1 comment:

  1. I love HP Nerds. It makes my heart smile to see "Shall-Not-Be-Named" at the end of anything. I use this descriptive term on a regular basis and people think I'm insane!
